Tuesday 19 February 2013

Sweaty Betty

I think the first thing I noticed when I arrived here 2 months ago in Ilhéus was the heat. I'd spent time in Chile and also Rio so had become accustomed to the climate change however, travelling the 600 miles north from Rio to Ilhéus I felt like Id landed on the equator.

Since my arrival I have hastily bought shorts, linen trousers and as many baggy tops as possible to cool me down. What has stunned me, is the fact that both women and men like to wear jeans here? Mental.
Every day the temperature is between 30-40ºC. Even at the beach in my bikini I feel like Im wearing too much. The sea is like a warm bath, the taps never get cold, and at night its still in the high 20's.

I remember one particular windy night sitting outside with the girls that I am staying with. One of them, 10 years old, runs inside to get herself a blanket. I laughed when I saw this. 'What's funny?' she asked. I explained to her that it was the middle of January, I was sat outside at night in 25º heat in just a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. If my friends at home in the cold, snowy England could only see me now. And here is Marissa feeling cold in 25º! If only she could come to England and see what cold really is!

Aparently their Winter is the same temperature as our Summer... not fair. Oh to live in a place where the sun appears every day :)

January, Brazil
January, England

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