Friday, 15 March 2013

Brazilian Bugs

Fact is that when you come to Brazil, you will see bugs, and not just any bugs -big, bright and beasty bugs. So here are some tips for you to ponder on before you arrive in Brazil.

Rule #1-When you enter the room what do you do? Turn the light on. Yes 'Stop. Light. Look' is my new rule. I for example run into the dark room to quickly grab my camera-CRUNCH-under my foot and between my toes.-Scream, run for the light, look...and its gone. Aka: no sleep for you until you find it. Do a thorough scan when you enter.

Brazil Wandering Spider. (I haven't actually seen one I thought I'd just add it for kicks)

Rule #2-Havaiana Flip Flops. Every one wears them, I assumed it was just a trend. Occasionally I see a couple arguing where the lady proceeds to take off her flip flop and slap him-however, they have a another use. You see Havaianas are not only comfortable but tough. You whack a cockroach with any old flip flop and it takes you a good five whacks before it's dead. one solid whip with a Havaiana and you got him. Average cost 30 Reals/£10 from most stores in every single town in Brazil.
Rule #3-Don't leave clothes crumpled on the floor.
Bugs like dark warm places. I have a lovely memory of picking up my laundry and a spider (bright and furry) crawls out. Yummy. Hang everything!

Rule #4-Check all items before using.
I reach out the shower to grab a towel, wrap it round and step out. I look in the mirror and hanging onto the back is a small gecko. Completely harmless and actually cute in its small size but still enough to make you scream for the heavens. Shake/Check everything.

...I like the fact that as I'm writing this I squished a cockroach... 

Rule #5-Be prepared for rain. 
Like us, not all bugs like the rain, and like us, they want to get inside. If you can bare the heat, shut your windows and doors. Some will get in anyway but it will help. 

After the rain

Rule #6-OFF. OFF is an insect repellent, it's not too pricey and works pretty well. It's the best I have found so far that doesn't make your eyes water and sting your nose. Costs about 15reals/£5 per bottle. Use as often as you can remember!

Rule #7-Keep flip flops next to your bed. 
Be prepared for midnight attacks! You don't want to be caught out. 

Rule #8-Keep your eyes peeled at all times. 
You never know when things might creep up on you...

Rule #9-Keep Covered
Mosquitoes are a bitch, you can never get rid of them. Keep covered at night with a mosquito net or a thin sheet. In hostels sleep in the bed next to the fan or air con if you can, as mosquitoes will have a harder time landing.

Full belly after din dins

Rule #10 -Clean up your carcass!
It's late, I see something shiny-it's a roach. I jump up-WHACK-and fall asleep. I wake up and slowly open my eyes to see the cockroaches head gliding slowly across the floor. No, I wasn't dreaming... I jump up to get a closer look with a flip flop,when I notice an army of ants in perfect formation. I follow the long single file to the roach's remains and see they have left only the shell and a leg, the rest has been carried off for dinner. 

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